main twt | alt twt | insta (inactive? idk) | magmartsa#9837 |
♏ Slow as Saturn ♄
she knows // the time u give me is excessive. / everything is as / Slow as Saturn. // im fattened by the shit-colored duration / of decay. // I am a priestess. // I don't love / so i dont have to worry. // but look at the way / the waters / have made a virgin of me again. // how i loved him, / & burned (was crucified.) // how i'll love you, / & burn (be crucified / again.)
it's just / a lot of prayers / from here on out. // i'm used to it. // Have i told you about what we do / in my temple? // I've been standing here / like a moon / since april. // hagiographing / & hagiographing. // and Then / there are spears / across the horizon.. // cutting cinnabar arcs / into carnelian // &swipes. // I look away, / and run for once. // (the hagiography over&at&under / thenbehind my kissèd feet.) // Who was the saint? // he touched me / when there was nothing / to touch. // i was river / &he was the zodiac on my cold / vantablack surface and then / Died. // just / like / that.
i ran / became / was a girl / of prayers / &putrefaction // strung sticky like scarab-colored syrup / and bent backs / all over the branches / of balete canopy. // That's where they found me // anointed me with / water / fat / &chicken's blood. / burned me / burned me / &made me a virgin again. // So here we are, / you and i. // i thought / i'd die a virgin this time / &be okay with it. // you are silly / &small // &i am a very big & serious woman / who's died&died / &beenborn&beenborn again. // there is / nothing to touch. // you are running away again. // where are you? / i can smell the gasoline and cuts all over your skin. / did you bring / the matches? // i'm used to it. // you give me no choice / but to hagiograph / &pray.